NSPIRE logos & Branding

We have provided online downloads of our logo in a variety of formats and color options. Keep in mind that certain logos with transparent backgrounds (PNG or EPS) are meant to be displayed on light or dark backgrounds and are labeled accordingly. If you have any questions about which logo to use in a specific application, please email us so we can direct you.
Blue logo on light (white) background
Blue logo on blue background

Primary NSPIRE logo - Blue

The primary NSPIRE "wide" logo is the most commonly used and comes in two different versions for placement on a white/light background or a transparent background. 
Green Logo on light (White) Background
Green Logo on a Blue Background

Primary NSPIRE Logo- Green

The primary NSPIRE "wide" logo is the most commonly used and comes in two different versions for placement on a white/light background, transparent background, or a blue background.
Blue "Teardrop" Logo
Green "Teardrop" Logo

NSPIRE "Teardrop" Logo

This compact version of our logo is best when size is a factor or for specific applications like merchandising (stickers, pens, etc.). It is the preferred logo used when scaled down to a small size.

1- Color And Vector Logos

This compact version of our logo is best when size is a factor or for specific applications like merchandising (stickers, pens, etc.). It is the preferred logo used when scaled down to a small size.